
InsectTech B2B website by Vinefruit WordPress Consulting

Client: Insecttech

I have been doing quite a bit of contract work which has kept me busy the last few months, plus of course looking after my existing clients, so there haven’t been too many new builds. But the most recently completed project I did was for a new company called InsectTech.

The people behind the project are friends of mine and asked me to help them with a simple, catalogue type website for a line of products they are looking to import from the USA and sell B2B initially. The site can also be switched over to eCommerce very simply in the future if required. I must just say that we have a Flowtron mozzie killer that we bought whilst we were in Dubai and it works like a bomb, so I was very excited to help them bring these products to Africa.

The team at InsectTech wanted a clean, easy to navigate site that they could start to promote to businesses in the SADC area. I think the final result is perfect.